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540 просмотров профиля
  1. To the program itself, imo if there's access to entire library like on site, ratings should be either
  2. I know there's a comment section for each macro, but let's be honest, noone uses it. Amount of downloads is a kinda ok determinant, but very often is high only because of curiosity. Many, if not most macros are made by ppl only to get free premium, when the macro is made bad/description is not matching actual effect/or is missing key fragments like in-game binds. I believe ratings would help choosing right and not wasting time
  3. Извините, я видел несколько тем на английском языке, поэтому решил сделать это здесь.
  4. Новый день, новые очки 😄
  5. Yeah i know that, but still its just one button to add abd should work normally. On recording it's detected like every other button, but it's just recommendation topic and wanted to write this idea 😄 (and don't take it serious but i have to say it xD, many keyboards are not supporting whole lot of keys if they're TKL or 60%)
  6. Yes, I've seen topics about mouse buttons already, but i'm thinking about other one that probably most of us have on our devices. I mean the middle button typically used for DPI changing. I don't know if you do it too but i always disable that DPI swap (too many times clicked by accident that lead me to lose a fight). For me it remains pretty useless since i can't bind anything to it, and i wish i could cuz it's way easier to access it mid-action than some random key on keyboard that's uncomfortable to use since every other is already taken.
  7. +1 (Я не увидел никаких ограничений :D)
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