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  1. Hi !

    I'm trying your codelock auto and I dont understand "

    1. Move the lock scroll from the F key to the left mouse button.
    2. Set the binding (bind) also on the left mouse button.

    Can you explain me how to that please ?

    I tried to change assignement of "environnement action" with F key by LMD but script doesnt work ..


    Can you help me plz ? 


    1. Gekkonchik


      Hi! I thought no one was using my script.
      You must put the script on the LMB, and in the game to put the action c environment (on the button F) also on the LMB, then go to the code lock, run the application with the script (it is desirable in the application to put a bind start/stop the program on a convenient button for you), pressing the button to start the program point to the value X0[0]0. Note that the choice of digit should be in the third position.(x is any number, if you crack a 4-digit lock, it is desirable to also put 0 first, and then change depending on what digit you have already checked).Run the script and click on the left mouse button in the game.The script will automatically scroll the lock a thousand times.
      After reaching a thousand combinations, stop the script, change the value of thousand (X) and repeat the algorithm for the next combination.

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