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Информация о Ninjafreak75

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  1. Never forget that you guys are amazing no matter what goes on, keep up the good work and always be yourself.
  2. Gotcha, but that doesnt tell me where the points are displayed. i have a suggestion if you are open to hearing it.
  3. you said top right hand corner but i dont see anything there? am i missing something?
  4. Ninjafreak75


    What annoys you? is it something that can be fixed by talking about it with others? If so you can tell me and i will try to help you.
  5. Ninjafreak75

    Макрос: зло или добро?

    It depends on your viewpoint in reality. If you think its bad, than its bad, but if you think its good than it is good. it just depends on your viewpoint of it. there is no real answer that anyone can give you. it is what it is.
  6. Ninjafreak75

    Отзывы о keyran

    Fantastic, keep up the good work
  7. Ninjafreak75

    Игра "я знаю 5"

    1. Кока-Кола 2. Спрайт 3. Маунтин Дью 4. Имбирный эль 5. Пепси я знаю 5 имен людей
  8. Ninjafreak75

    is there anyway to know what everyone is saying?

    I don't know what anyone is saying and translating everything is long. I wonder what it would be like to be able to understand what you guys are saying without any worries.
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