The macro "Market Lot Actions To Sell" for "Albion Online" can be downloaded and used on any mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is very easy in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
The created macro for the Albion Online game greatly simplifies the process of selling items in the game. Instead of moving the mouse and switching between different interface elements, this macro performs all the necessary actions with a single button.
The Keyran program provides settings for optimal macro operation. The Window section does not require binding to a specific window, and the use of the driver is optional. The screen resolution is set to the standard value of 1980x1080.
It is recommended to enable incognito mode in the program settings, which prevents the game from detecting a running macro. A minimum delay is also enabled when pressing keys in macros to ensure a quick response. The program also reacts only to physical keystrokes on the keyboard and mouse, and modifier keystrokes are blocked. It is recommended to assign a macro to a button that is not used in the game to avoid conflicts.
When the macro is activated, it automatically selects the «Sell» option in the game interface, which significantly saves time and simplifies the process of selling items. Now the player does not need to use the mouse and can do everything with a single button. All the crap with moving the mouse pointer becomes unnecessary.