The macro "Warrior PVP Combo #1 Awakening" for "Black Desert" can be downloaded and used on regular mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is very easy in the Keyran program and increases your skill level in Black Desert, if you follow the
PVE Combo for Warrior in Awakening #2
This macro is designed to be used in PvE mode in the Awakening war in the game Black Desert. It consists of 15 working skills and is designed to be installed on a button convenient for you.
The main points to consider when using this macro are:
1. Follow the direction of the camera - opponents will fly away from you :)
Now let's look at the scheme of using this macro:
1. Begins by using sword protection.
2. Then uses the «Kick» combo.
3. After that, performs the combo «Armor Destruction».
4. Applies the skill «Glow».
5. The next step is to use the combo «Superiority».
6. Performs a balanced kick.
7. Applies the «Explosive Push» combo.
8. Then the skill «Limit: Dissection of the heavens».
9. Performs the combo «Burial alive».
10. Uses the skill «Burial».
11. Applies the «Insanity» skill.
12. Performs a «Chopping» combo.
13. The next step will be the «Knock Down» combo.
14. Then «Grinding».
15. Completes the combo with the «Merciless Strike» skill.
Before using a macro, it is recommended to carefully check its performance. If it does not work for you, perhaps the problem lies in incorrect configuration or misunderstanding of the instructions, it is especially important to pay attention to the «Important points» section.
The author of this macro does not pretend that it is the best combo option for a warrior. He creates combos that match his preferences and style of play.
If you find bugs, the combo does not work, or you have ideas for interesting combos, or you want to implement your ideas, write to the author of this macro. This will allow you to make improvements and make the combo more effective.