The macro "Prokast BroodMother" for "Dota 2" can be downloaded and used on regular mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is very simple in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
I bring to your attention a macro to improve the game on the hero BroodMother in Dota 2. The hero is one of the most effective at all levels of the game. When using the macro, follow the following key bindings: X - Harpoon, Space - Blink, 5 - Bloodthorn, 4 - Hex, W - Web for scattering, R - Ulta, 2 - BKB, 3 - Urn. The macro is suitable for players from 1k to 8k rating. Be sure to make sure that the Quickcast function is enabled in the settings for the macro to work correctly. If you have any suggestions or suggestions for improving the macro, write to me in VK to me in VK at the specified ID: 4elbob3k.