The macro "Prokast Lion" for "Dota 2" can be downloaded and used on regular mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is very simple in the Keyran program and increases your skill level in Dota 2, if you follow the
My macro on Lion's hero is a hero who is very greedy and depends on your macro and micro game, as well as on your understanding of the game. This hero is suitable for both beginners and professionals, but with my macro it's just a fairy tale.
Next, I describe the binds for convenient control of the hero:
- Q - Stan
- W - Turning into a toad
- E - Eat mana (if there is a perk)
- R - Death Finger
- Space Bar - Flashing with Blink Dagger
- 4 - Refresher
- 3 - Ethereal Weapon
- 1 - Discord (to increase damage from the Finger of Death)
It is also recommended to include quickcasts, which will facilitate casts on the hero or the place where you want to make the flashing.
This macro will be useless from 0 to 7000 mmr.
If you have any questions or have requests to create a macro for your favorite hero, write to me on VKontakte by id: 4elbob3k.