The macro "Prokast Phoenix" for "Dota 2" can be downloaded and used on simple mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is very easy in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
Do you want to be invincible on Phoenix hero in Dota 2? You will need a special macro for the Keyran program. Replace the key commands with binds that better match your style of play. For example, use the Q key for the first skill, the W key for flight, the X key to activate Shiva, the R key to place the egg, and so on.
However, in addition to macros, the entire gameplay of the Phoenix hero depends on your ability to sense the situation and the skills of macro and micro games. Don't forget to set up quickasts to immediately move the cursor to the right place and activate abilities. This is especially important for the flight and placement of eggs, as they can be easily destroyed by enemies.
The Phoenix hero is considered useless on the lowest and highest ratings of the game. Therefore, when you play it, do not forget to use all your knowledge and skills. If you have any questions or need help, write to me in VK by ID: 4elbob3k.