The macro "ZonixCraft one who yuzayut all" for "Minecraft" can be downloaded and used on simple mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is quick and easy in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
For the convenience of playing ZonixCraft Omega 1.7.10, I suggest using the following macro:
- Key binding:
1. First of all, put the sword in slot 1 and heal in slot 3 of your inventory.
2. Assign this macro to a convenient key, for example, «X».
- The essence of the macro:
This macro will allow you to quickly use attack and heal without switching between slots in the inventory.
- Macro operation:
When you press the «X» key, the macro will perform the following actions:
1. Automatically switches your active slot to slot 1.
2. Will make an attack (using a sword), dealing damage to the enemy.
3. Immediately switches the active slot to slot 3.
4. Uses the item (heal), restoring your health.
Thus, you will be able to quickly attack the enemy with a sword and immediately restore your health with the help of heal, without being distracted by switching inventory slots.
This macro will allow you to fight more effectively in the game, providing high reaction speed and optimizing the time to switch items.