The macro "drag to the right" for "Mordhau" can be downloaded and used on any mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is quick and easy in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
Key binding: Start creating a macro by tying a left-handed punch to a specific key on the keyboard. To do this, in the first line of the macro structure, specify the key that will be used to hit the left side. For example, you can specify the «A» key as a bound key.
Preparing an attack: In the macro, add commands to prepare an attack. In Mordhau, this can be a mouse movement or a key indicating an upcoming blow to the left side. For example, you can add a command to raise a weapon before attacking.
Impact delay: Add a delay before striking. The delay should be long enough to create a delayed impact effect. Enter the command to hold the bound key in the macro to create this delay.
Direction of attack: Set the direction of impact to the left side. Use the mouse or other keys to indicate the direction of impact in the Mordhau game. Make sure that the command to direct the attack is placed after the strike delay.
Completing the attack: Finish the macro with the command to complete the attack. In Mordhau, this can be releasing the bound key or a command to end the attack and move on to the next action.