The macro "AK47 8x Sens 0.82 FOV 90" for "RUST" can be downloaded and used on any mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
The macro «AK47 (8x)» is intended for use only with an 8x optical sight in the Rust game.
In order for it to work, certain in-game settings must be set: viewing angle 90 and sensitivity 0.82. To change these settings, use the commands «graphics.fov 90» and «input.sensitivity 0.82», respectively, in the game console (F1).
Also, for maximum efficiency of using the macro, it is recommended to enable the keyboard driver. At the same time, it is necessary to disable the binding to the game window.
When using a macro, it is personally recommended to use a Trust GXT 105 mouse with a DPI of 1600. To activate the macro, press the mouse button 1 (left mouse button).
In addition, the key settings should be set as follows: the minimum delay when pressing keys should be enabled, the reaction should occur only to physical keystrokes, and clicks of modifier keys should be blocked.
The macro can be used at a distance of 200 meters or more, which ensures its uniqueness and effectiveness in the game.