The macro "VF5 R.E.V.O - AKIRA Teishitsu Dantai" for "Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O." can be downloaded and used on any mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is very simple in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
IMPORTANT: This macro is designed to play on a keyboard with a layout similar to Dead Or Alive 5, which also features Akira with a similar movement.
P - Punch, K - Kick, G - Guard
P = K
K = L
G = J
P+K = U
P+G = M
K+G = O
We present you a unique and complex Teishitsu Dantai =) For many hours I have been experimenting with timings, but I cannot achieve perfect execution of this movement out of 10 attempts. However, the suggested timings give a stable result about 8 out of 10 times. Factors such as FPS spikes, ping, and buffering of input commands can affect the outcome, which sometimes leads to errors. But despite the difficulties, this powerful move is a great alarmist, which opens up access to extremely effective combos and undermines the confidence of opponents who risk trying to execute this move.