The macro "Slavery 2.0 (new era)" for "VKontakte" can be downloaded and used on any mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is quick and easy in the Keyran program and increases your skill level in VKontakte, if you follow the
This macro is designed to organize a user-friendly interface in the «Slavery 2.0» mini-application on the VKontakte platform, namely for the «Bunnies» function. When opened to full screen, four cells are created in a row, which ensures proper functioning. The recommended screen resolution is 1920x1280, a full-screen window. For stable operation, you need to scroll to the top of the page. It is important that this application is not used in the browser, but in the VKontakte application itself. The user must go to the VK page, select the Slavery application, and download it. Next, follow the instructions. Clarification: The application works stably and without failures. Enjoy it!