The macro "Master of the Blade (3rd spec)" for "Blade & Soul" can be downloaded and used on any mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is in the Keyran program and increases your skill level in the game, if you follow the
Welcome to the description of the macro for the Blade Master class, 3rd specialization, in the game Blade and Soul. The macro is optimized for performing rotation.
Before you start using the macro, install it and assign it to a convenient key in the mouse. Now you can run the macro and start the game.
Rotation is carried out as follows: sequential commands are recorded in the macro without delay - FRTT. If necessary, you can additionally manually execute commands, such as pressing the Tab, X, V and 4 keys.
We use the macro V 4 Tab to break into the enemy in the rain blade rack. After using this macro, it is advisable to press the V key to roll it back (if 6 seconds have passed). The X key is also pressed on rollback, except for the moments when we attack under the azura (buff clear sky, accessible by the Tab button). Under azura, we do not press the X key, so as not to reduce the number of pkms under the tab.
Other skills work as follows: you can read their description to understand how they function and include them in the rotation.
The rotation check of the third specialization is carried out by adding the number of ordinary pkms (the Blade of the Dragon of Heaven) and azur pkms (the Blade of the Nameless War) and dividing this amount by time. If the resulting coefficient is 5 or more, then your rotation is considered good. If the result is less than 5, then you are not pressing the buttons enough.
Last note - uncheck «Enhanced techniques» and disable the skills «Tossing kick» (throw) and «Lying block». In PvE, these two skills only get in the way.
The author of the manual is Katsumi. If you have any questions, you can contact him in the game or send a private message to his profile.
This is a detailed description of the macro for the Blade Master class, 3rd specialization, in the game Blade and Soul. We wish you good luck in the game and successful use of the macro!