The macro "Destr (3rd spec) viola" for "Blade & Soul" can be downloaded and used on any mouse and keyboard.
Installing the macro is with one movement in the Keyran program and enhances your gaming experience!
The macro is designed specifically for the Destroyer class in the Blade and Soul game, namely for the «Double Moon» specialization. It is designed to use an alternative branch of weapons, which is different from the raid. Thanks to this branch, there is a rollback of such skills as «Infinity», «Ejection» and «Crushing Flow».
The macro itself performs all the actions for you. Pressing the «T» button performs the «Double Moon» strike, «1» - the «Infinity» skill, «F» - the «Ejection» skill, «R» - the «Crushing Stream» skill, and «X» - the «Lunar Squall» skill. The rotation of skills is carried out automatically in accordance with the specified timing. It is recommended to have a ping no higher than 40 ms, and FPS to be 40 or higher.
It is important to take into account the following: in the alternative branch of weapons, the main damage in PvE is inflicted using the skills «Infinity», «Ejection» and «Crushing Flow». The skills «Double Moon Strike» (under the rack), «Full Moon Strike» and «Golden Moon Strike» fade into the background, and they do not need to be pumped or invested with performance points. It is better to distribute the points as follows: «Infinity» - 5, «Crushing flow» - 5, «Ejection» - 5.
To check your own DPS, it is recommended to turn to passive bosses in raids, such as the Crow Beetle or the Commander.
The process of using the macro is as follows: we start by using «Shift E» (this is a pendant), then we clamp the macro. The only button that needs to be pressed manually is «3». It is advisable to use this skill during the activation of the Golden Moon rack, when you become invulnerable to controls.
To install the macro, follow these steps:
1. Install the macro on your computer.
2. Assign a convenient key to activate the macro on your mouse, which will be pressed when clamped.
3. Start the game and then run the macro itself.
After performing these actions, the macro will run smoothly and execute all commands exactly on time. The author of the macro is Katsumi. If you have any questions, you can contact me in private messages.