On the recoil of the weapon

How to write an anti-bounce weapon macro

The most common feature in macros for online shooters, is to extinguish the recoil by shifting the coordinates relative to the cursor (center of the screen).

The first thing to note is that a macro consists of the following basic commands:

  1. Pressing and releasing the LBM;
  2. Delays;
  3. Offset by relative coordinates. (Axis displacement in detail in this article)

In the screenshot part of the structure on the example of the macro for AK-47 for the game RUST.

How to write such a macro.

1. To begin with, we need to achieve a single bullet shot in the game itself, by adding to the macro the command "Press LBM" release will be added only at the end of the macro structure.

2. Next we need to add several delays, the time interval of which coincides in total with the release of the second bullet, thus we have created the beginning of our macro, at the activation of which will be released two bullets.

3. Now you need to insert an offset by coordinates (relative), through each inserted delay until the second bullet is released in the game. That is, if after the first shot, the sight moves up, then you need to add 3-4 commands offset by coordinates down, thereby we compensate for the aiming movement.

4. The remaining shots 3, 4, etc. are compensated in the same way, if the sight moves to the right, add a shift to the left, if to the left, then a shift to the right.
5. After completing the creation of your macro, at the end, you must add "Release LBM", so that our ready macro will not "stick".

Important to know! 

  1. The average value of the delay between axis offsets is 20 milliseconds "ms";
  2. Only RELATIVE coordinates are used;
  3. It is worth considering the settings of the game itself, namely (sensitivity, viewing angle, screen resolution, etc.);
  4. Writing a simple macro takes 30-40 minutes, complex - 2-3 days;
  5. In many games there is a random recoil, which cannot be compensated by a macro;
  6. Too perfect macros will attract more attention than simpler macros;
  7. The cost of such a custom macro ranges from 1000 rubles to 5000 rubles.
Configure the program to use such macros
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